Going Green: Practical Ideas For Saving The Environment

Going Green: Practical Ideas For Saving The Environment

2020 has been a wake-up year for many people. Perhaps it’s from spending so much time indoors that we’re cultivating an extra-strong craving for the outdoors. Nature becomes a respite for families needing an outlet (especially for many of us who have been playing the role of parent and teacher—we applaud you!) A trip with your loved ones on a hiking trail can become an incredible adventure of imaginative sorts, and for that, we are deeply grateful. As we adapt and navigate a post-COVID world, our attention is drawn to other important focuses as well. 

When we look around, we can see just how much is going on with our environment—even in our own neighborhoods or in our trash cans—it can become overwhelming! Saving the Earth is going to be a team effort, and none of us can do it on our own, but taking personal responsibility for our family’s contribution is a great start! 

Our Mission

At Mon Coeur, we’re doing our best to make a positive impact on the environment. We challenge the fast-fashion clothing industry by creating clothes for your children that they can feel good in, and you can feel good about. 

Our clothing is spun from upcycled and recycled fibers. Our buttons and zippers are recycled plastic, which we believe make for a much better look than being compiled in landfills or polluting the oceans! By shopping sustainable and small, you’re helping expand a global-mission to save the environment. Here are some more tips on how you and your family can go green! 


Recycling is, of course, our first suggestion because it’s quite accessible for most families. Most garbage disposal companies offer recycling as well, or they can connect you to a company that will retrieve your recyclables. If that isn’t an option, a quick google search will provide information on where your nearest recycling center is. 

By implementing recycling in your home, you can begin teaching your children the value of mindfulness. Is this plastic, paper, aluminum, or glass? Can this be turned into something new? Show them how to properly clean items for the recycling bin (who knows—maybe they’ll have so much fun they’ll want to do the dishes, too! A parent can dream.) Turn recycling into fun family outings. 

Keep in mind—recycling, while it is so important, isn’t a fix-all. Not all recycling ends up being recycled—which is why properly cleaning your recyclable goods is crucial! And some companies actually don’t recycle at all. Always be sure to do your part and your research to see that your good intentions are successful! 


In addition to recycling, don’t forget to repurpose! This can be fun for the family. How many times have you tossed a sock because its mate was lost on a playground or eaten by the washing machine? How about that old wagon sitting in the garage—the one that’s so squeaky you can hear it for a mile? Maybe there’s a ton of old, broken toys that you can only assume are as good as garbage.

Children are creative geniuses. Gather up the things that you can’t conceive a use for and challenge the family to a create-off. Check out some fun ideas online if you need some inspiration! Working those creative muscles is inspiring, engaging, bonding, and that thing you just made? Looks so much better than it would in a landfill. 


While for now, kids might still be taking their classes online—this is a great time to get organizing! Do you have multiple families in the neighborhood who were once picking up and dropping off the kiddos at school or daycare? Think about how long that line is and how much time you’ve spent waiting within one. Also, let’s not forget the serious impact waiting in line, running our exhaust leaves on the environment. 

The average vehicle releases ten thousand pounds of carbon monoxide each year. But finding any small place to cut emissions, hey, that’s a win. 

Not only does it relieve some stress off our end, but it takes some pressure off the environment, too. Carpooling builds community. Once it’s safe to do so, get to ride-sharing. 

Reusable Bags 

Paper or plastic? How about neither? How many times have you picked up a few things from the store and also gained several plastic bags? One plastic bag takes 1000 years to degrade. Then those plastic particles, as they break down, contribute more harmful toxins to the earth.  Look around the house for old tote bags and store them in the trunk of your car, or place them by the door and bring them for your groceries or other carrying needs.

If you’re wondering about certain situations, like picking up after the family dog when you’re on a walk, the good news is that there are companies committed to eliminating plastic bag usage. There are biodegradable options on the market! 

While you may think that paper is a better option, unfortunately, these solutions come with a cost. Manufacturing a paper bag takes four times as much water than manufacturing plastic. While paper does break down faster, it requires ideal environments, and, unfortunately, landfills are anything but ideal. Keep it simple, and take your bags with you! If you don’t have anything at home, invest in some adorable totes made from other recyclable material. 

Shop Sustainably

Going green is good for the heart, the earth, and the economy. At first glance, sustainable products just seem like an extra expense. But you do get what you pay for—cheap, poor quality, toxic materials, and goods. Sustainable practices cost more to produce because they strive to pay workers a living and sustainable wage, they pay for positive conditions for the workers and pay a greater price to source quality materials. At the end of the day, your little extra goes a long way. And these things that you buy last a lot longer. 

And don't forget about shopping second hand! Thrifting can be such a fun family outing. Go to your nearest thrift store and hunt for treasure together. You can come across some unique and wonderful items—shirts, shoes, books, and more. Giving an object a second life gives the earth many more years. 

Little Changes, Big Impact

By making these seemingly small changes, you can create a ripple effect that results in big changes for the environment. Caring for the environment is crucially important, now more than ever. When you introduce these values to your children early on, it establishes a behavior that is mindful of the world they live in. It’s commonly said that we want to give our children the world. 

So—let’s do it! By starting a green lifestyle today, we can work to ensure that we leave behind a planet that is in livable condition for them. Let’s make positive choices that last. That way, our planet can, too.





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